Following my first year, my original very one-dimensional view of architecture being about plans and elevations has been replaced with an understanding that this profession is multi-dimensional. While my original (rather limited) view of architecture enthused me, I now realise that this field has no limits either in terms of aesthetics or engineering.

The symposium atmosphere of the studio couldn’t happen for us this year and I really look forward to sharing opinions and views face-to-face with my tutors and fellow students. Regardless of the limits we faced in our first year, I was astounded by both the students’ ability to adapt to the circumstances and by the high standard of my fellow students’ presentations. This highlighted to me weaknesses in my own presentation skills and helped me understand how, through better choice of mediums, I could expand and improve the quality of the presentation of my own design processes and ideas.

As my first year progressed, I realised that a good project involves solving many different issues from climate and social problems, digital technology, engineering solutions, to costing and client cooperation. I endeavoured to make my projects feasible and even buildable. I endeavoured to find design results through the model making process which became an irreplaceable medium for me.