Design studies
Sensorial Hub
An approach towards enhancing inclusivity within Glasgow

The sensorial hub will encourage community involvement in achieving the goal of effective planning. It will create a place for the stimulation of the senses through green spaces. It will also provide a platform for self-created employment opportunities and sell them. This also ensures that people with disabilities learn the skill and will be able to teach others. It will provide the community with a safe and secure place to roam, educate, work and stay. The sensorial hub has 7 entrances in total. Pathway connecting to the station and site, railway station, and bridges over the canal is proposed for better access. The master plan is designed in a way to create a direct connection with all the surrounding communities. It has been divided into spaces such as gardens, a Reflection pool, amphitheater, Build spaces, parking and a Boating deck.

The program is divided into 4 phases as development in 2-5 10 and 15 years. Phase one consist of leisure spaces such as sensory trail, gardens, and accessible boating. Phase 2 is a built space which is co-working spaces, workshops, library, etc Phase 3 is for plaza and Accommodation for future commercial and shelter needs. Phase 4 is to provide sensory spaces all over the city as a small intervention or in form of a sensory place.

Sensory Installations
All sensory installations are inspired by the natural form of the tree and each of them depicts an element of nature. The first installation depicts lights and colour showing playfulness. The second and third one depicts wood and earth respectively showing natural landscape and sense of place. The fourth one depicts metal, Constructed to simulate the sense of sound. The fifth one depicts water giving the effect of rain and creating a soothing sound.

Co-working Spaces
Surrounded by green spaces, the pentagonal two-storey block nested in metal and glass envelope opens up into interior and exterior green landscape. A circulation area is provided surrounding the indoor garden. Spaces are divided into public areas on the ground floor and private areas on the first. Indoor small community gathering areas are also proposed on both floors along with offices, Café, Library, and multipurpose areas. Accessible toilets have been provided as per the needs of people with disabilities. Glass and metal Pattern has been created to balance light and shadow And having transparency in spaces. The pattern on the façade allows a controlled amount of daylight into the spaces. The metal mesh sheet façade is used for ventilation and light.

A Plaza has been provided as a market space and community area. A Plaza mainly consists of shops and also small covered spaces are proposed for the pop-up shops and kiosks on the weekends. Plaza is designed in such a way that it has a visual and direct connection with the surrounding. It is accessible from all sides and creates ease of movement. The Plaza is one storey structure with metal sheet cladding and glass with bamboo columns for aesthetic purposes.

The accommodation area is a 2 storey building near the entrance having staff and communal areas on the ground floor and apartments on the first floor. The accommodation has a front façade made up of glass giving the entire view of the garden. Solar panels have been proposed on the roof. The energy generated from it can be used to light up the pathways.