Glasgow Cooking School

In the last academic year, we have been asked to think about Urgencies.
With a strong passion for graphics and architectural visualisation, I selected a mixture of works between Design Studies and Cultural Studies submissions, which consist on a new cooking school for Glasgow within an urban forest and my research poster on 3D Animation.
The 28% of the population in Scotland live within 500m of a derelict site which raise to the 54.7% for the people in Glasgow. The majority of these sites are also located within the most deprived areas in Scotland.
My project explores the opportunities these lands can offer to the city. The research conducted me to identify the North of Glasgow as the area with more relevant and large derelict land.
Glasgow, previously an industrial city based mainly on shipbuilding, textile industry and steam engines, is today struggling to reuse those land where once these activities lay.
The project’s aim proposes to turn derelict and vacant land into green spaces to create urban forest within the city, new houses and a new cooking school. This helps to improve life's quality, encouraging people to get closer to nature, support communities and stimulate economic growth. Few movements have been an example for helping Scotland and Glasgow to improve life's quality of local community. Stalled Spaces and Reforesting Scotland are committed to temporary use vacant land and to create a productive landscape, more sustainable that helps physical and mental health.
By greening the city and reusing derelict land, the sense of “dear green Glasgow” will be restored for a better interaction between people and nature.