Moments of Reflection
A celebration of water in pursuit of collectively healing people and their place

An Ephemeral Festival on a Floating Archipelago
In a rapidly developing world, high levels of stress have become an integral part of peoples fast paced lives. The proposed floating Archipelago concept is an initiation to uplift people and place by bringing together the issues in conjunction. Once the wellness of people is adhered to, through therapeutic benefits of water, it would then provide these individuals with an opportunity to pause and reflect upon themselves and together grow as a healthier community.

Masterplan and Design Scheme
An Ephemeral physiology as an architectural response aims to enhance the physical attributes of the built environment thereby positively affecting the mental wellness of people within their surroundings. This interlinked relationship of celebrating water and the people through endless ephemeral solutions combined with a permanent socially sustainable strategy in the form of a cluster of permanent floating islands along the coastline of Mumbai, aims to heal the city itself.

Proposed Design in context with Mahim Bay, Mumbai
The project emphasizes on People’s mental well-being in the city of Mumbai and culminates onto proposing an ephemeral festival on a cluster of 4 permanent islands situated in Mahim Bay along Mumbai coast. Permanent aspects are designed in the form of wellness centers set-up at significant heritage sites and a pedestrianized pathway under the Sea Link connected to the Islands.

Spaces on the Island for Healing and it's Materiality
Bamboo being a viable option for the main material, as it is grown in ample amounts in the state of Maharashtra is used to produce a strong and rigid framework which is filled using recycled plastic blocks to create buoyancy for the floating islands. These massive islands are held in place with the help of anchors and mooring systems

Section through the Island for Relishing
A myriad of numinous experiences is what would be the result of spending time on these Islands for Healing and Relishing for any individual who wishes to better their mental health and well-being. The internal view of the Island for Relishing which aims to provide a place for respite in the middle of a burnt-out city.

Water park enclosed within a Ephemeral Bamboo structure
The water rides and miniature pools allow people to directly engage with water allowing it to heal people through its therapeutic effects. The staircase visible in the back is bound within a circular bamboo framework filled with a metal kinetic façade that is reflective in nature and acts as a natural wind barrier due to the voids in between.

A Site section cut through the entire Mahim Bay
The motive behind the water festival being ephemeral is to explore and exhaust endless architectural possibilities of engaging people with water through spaces that heal and enhance their mental well being, in highly urbanized cities. The objective is that people come together to create and not just populate the massive floating archipelago over a period of 6 months during the non-monsoon season in Mumbai, every alternate year thus ensuring that the designated purpose of the 4 islands is always catered to through a variety of designs at each festival.

Stages of the Ephemeral Festival
Such intensive approach to heal the communities in the city of Mumbai pledges that its people will always remain excited and enthusiastic to come back for an escapade. There is the factor of instilling a sense of belonging within the people and this has been architecturally responded to by establishing the permanence of the cluster of 4 islands (archipelago) as an advanced addition to the map of Mumbai city.

The proposed architectural strategy ensures an never-ending cycle of endless ephemeral possibilities over a floating archipelago that provides from time to time, the city of Mumbai and its people with moments of reflection. This poetic conundrum between Time and Architecture commemorates the city and it's people in pursuit of collectively healing them.